Healing via the principles of Ubuntu
African, Caribbean and Black identified communities across Canada hold rich histories, robust knowledge, systems of care and practices that support the health and wellness of individuals, families and community members. Encompassing a strength-based, culturally responsive and trauma informed approach, Africentric care honours the unique historical, communal, resources and capacities for Black youth and their families. Through this affirming framework, practitioners and agencies can better support Black-Canadians abilities to cope, respond and thrive in the midst of experiencing complex interpersonal and systemic challenges. Through Ubuntu: Healing Black Mental Health through Africentric Care, we will explore the multi-layered impact of the aforementioned approach on Black mental health in Canada. More specifically, the dynamic workshop will utilize interactive discussion, art-based tools, emerging research, and Africentric knowledge to highlight:
- The holistic mental, emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual impact of Africentric care
- Emerging research and interventions that culturally respond to therapeutic needs of individuals, families and community members of Black communities
- The urgent need for equitable strategies to address the ongoing gaps and challenges to Black mental health in Canada
Organized By: Strides Toronto Date and Time of the Event: March 7th 10am – 11:30am Location: ZOOM Join the ZOOM meeting: https://stridestoronto.zoom.us/j/96996437330?pwd=eUhQa21LTXJZMEVaNU5SSjVzL1Z0QT09 Meeting ID: 969 9643 7330 Passcode: 784466
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Black Mental Health 2024 Week’s Events